ساختار شبکه Mobile باید به صورتی باشد که :
در هر مکانی به مشترک سرویس دهی شود
با هر سرعتی مشترک سرویس دهی شود
مکان مشترک مشخص شود
هویت مشترک مشخص شود
سرویسی مورد درخواست مشترک ارایه شود
با تمام شبکه های دیگر ارتباط و تبادل داشته باشد
GSM Subsystem & relationships
GSM Architecture
Mobile Station (MS)
The MS (Mobile Station) is a combination of terminal equipment and subscriber data.
ME (Mobile Equipment )
SIM( Subscriber Identity Module)
Function of Mobile station
Used by the subscriber to access the GSM network via the air interface
Terminal for the use of GSM services
Contains the hardware and software specific to the radio interface
A mobile station (MS) comprises several functional groups
MT (Mobile Terminal):
offers common functions used by all services the MS offers
corresponds to the network termination (NT) of an ISDN access
end-point of the radio interface (Um)
TA (Terminal Adapter):
Øterminal adaptation, hides radio specific characteristics•TE (Terminal Equipment):
peripheral device of the MS, offers services to a user
does not contain GSM specific functions
nSIM card
Uniquely Associated To A User
Stores User And Location Addresses
Supports Authentication And Encryption Mechanisms
Contains Personal Data
list of subscribed services
RAM for user directory, SMS
Smart Card Anatomy
پایه های سیم کارت
پایه Vcc
پایه GND
پایه CLK
پایه RST
پایه I/O
پایه Vpp
Microprocessor Cards
Typical specification
•16 bit CPU
•128 K ROM
•1 K bytes RAM
Smart Card Technology
•Based on ISO 7816 defining
Card size, contact layout, electrical characteristics
I/O Protocols: byte/block based
File Structure
nمیکروکنترلر اجزای تشکیل دهنده
Stored data in SIM Card
Stored data in SIM Card
nاستانداردهای مربوط به سیم کارت
•GSM 11.11 (SIM interface spec)
•GSM 11.14 (SIM toolkit)
•GSM 03.48 (OTA communication)
•ISO 7810
•ISO 7816
فایل پاورپوینت 40 اسلاید